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Fast Blockchain State Synchronization



Pedone F.



Context: The project is in the general area of blockchain. More specifically, in involves the concepts of Merkle trees and AVL data structures. These are data structures commonly used in blockchain systems. Objectives: The goal of the project is to develop a Merkle-tree data structure targeted specifically to the state synchronization use case. State synchronization is a fundamental aspect in blockchain systems. Its the key mechanism that allows peers to join the blockchain network. Expected results: The proposed data structure promises to significantly reduce the overhead of state synchronization. Some initial results suggest that the overhead could be rediced by two orders of magnitude Remarks: the proposal requests funding for a PhD to complete his thesis. The student can't be funded by the SNF since he is passed his fourth year and still needs one additional year to finish; the proposal doesn't qualify for an Innosuisse grant since this is a research project.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Data d'inizio
Data di fine
10 Mesi
Enti finanziatori
Competitive Foundations / Hasler Foundation