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Landscape as Architecture




This symposium organised by the Institute of Urban and Landscape Studies aims to analyse the most current trends in landscape architecture as a fundamental element for contemporary territorial governance. Indeed, landscape architecture is a powerful tool for addressing issues that have generally been neglected in architectural research and practice until recently. In a situation characterised more and more by the dynamics of climate change and an increasingly urban society, the management of resources, spaces and the interaction between society and nature becomes a central element of academic reflection and social debate.

Landscape architecture plays an important role in this context in materialising ideas and sensibilities into enjoyable and sustainable landscape forms. Climate change, urban society, and resource management, with their dynamics and complexities, represent the focal points on which the reflections of contemporary landscape architecture are articulated. For this reason, they represent the thematic axis of the symposium.

The symposium aims to involve a significant number of academics, landscape architects, architects, urban planners and planners working on an international scale, contributing to the structuring of a disciplinary discourse and interdisciplinary debate on the topic of landscape.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Data d'inizio
Data di fine
3 Mesi
Enti finanziatori
Swiss National Science Foundation / Scientific Exchanges