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Costanza Naguib


Costanza Naguib is assistant professor in econometrics at the University of Bern. She obtained the PhD in economics at the Institute for Economic Research (IRE) in March 2018. In January 2017 she successfully completed the Swiss Program for Beginning Doctoral Students in Economics offered by the Study Center Gerzensee and in April 2017 she spent a period as visiting PhD student at Centre de recherche en économie et statistique (CREST) in Paris. 

Her PhD thesis focuses on the development of a new semi-nonparametric model for the analysis of wage mobility and its drivers, with a particular emphasis on the role of education in determining the degree of individual wage mobility.


Wage dynamics, rank, functional copula model, nonlinear autoregressive process,

semi-nonparametric estimation, labor market institutions, job satisfaction, skill mismatch

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