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Suzanna Marazza


Suzanna Marazza is a jurist and a collaborator at the CCdigitallaw of the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)'s eLearning Lab. In this role, she works as a legal consultant, addressing legal challenges related to the use of digital technologies, ranging from copyright to data protection, especially within academia.

As part of her work at the CCdigitallaw, which is a Competence Center in digital law for Swiss Higher Education Institutions, she conducts workshops and responds to inquiries in Italian, German, French and English concerning copyright, licensing and data protection. She collaborates with several institutions on projects aiming at implementing Open Access, by advising students, teachers and researchers on managing their rights when using works, publishing and negotiating with stakeholders. Some of these projects include GOAL, OS-ADM and ODSComS.

In concluded projects, she was part of the team working on:

-       The Regulatory Framework: a one-year project (2023) aiming at elaborating a proposal to strengthen the second publication right for scientific publications. Within this project, the CCdigitallaw played a role in disseminating knowledge about the current legal framework and future possibilities related to the second publication right in Switzerland

-       MAPAW (Making A Privacy Aware World): a science communication project funded under the Agora programme of the National Science Research Fund, focusing on privacy and personal data on the web. The project aimed to engage individuals in the data privacy debate and raise awareness among young people about the value of their data, its collection, management, and utilization, as well as their rights to protect themselves. This project communicated research findings on data privacy to create awareness of personal data issues and privacy risks associated with digital and mobile online technologies.

-       the development of the DMLawTool, a software that aims at helping researchers in dealing with possible legal issues they might encounter during research data collection and management.


After the second year of the Bachelor in Law at the University of Fribourg, Suzanna continued her studies at the University of Insubria, where she graduated in the Single Cycle Master's degree in Law with the Swiss track. Her dissertation, supervised by Prof. Giorgio Grasso, is entitled “Diritti di proprietà intellettuale e libertà costituzionali nell’esperienza della Confederazione elvetica: la digitalizzazione dei beni culturali come possibile bene comune?” (Intellectual Property Rights and Constitutional Freedoms in the Experience of the Swiss Confederation: the Digitization of Cultural Goods as Possible Commons?).


-       Advanced Course​ on Software Licensing Including Open Source, dell'Organizzazione Mondiale della Proprietà Intellettuale (WIPO);

-       Advanced Course on Arbitration and Mediation under the WIPO Rules, dell'Organizzazione Mondiale della Proprietà Intellettuale (WIPO);

-       Creative Commons Certificate for Open Culture/GLAM.


In the past, she worked for several years in the cantonal public administration and did internships in public, contract and criminal law fields in Canton Ticino and abroad.

She participates in the open culture community of Creative Commons on a voluntary basis.