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Fashion Industry: a Global Perspective


Course description and objectives

As the fashion system grows in importance on a global level, it requires more and more specifically-tailored skills to better understand how it operates and to assess its global economic and cultural features. The course will investigate the development of the fashion industry in a global perspective, providing examples and addressing the specifics of its management and business strategies. It will provide students with the main tools, both at a practical and theoretical level, to analyze and further understand the inner workings of the fashion system. 

Starting from a global overview of the fashion industry and an introduction to its main concepts, the course will move forward to tackle the environmental factors which affect the management and business of fashion, along with the dynamics of production, retailing and communication which characterize its development. Students will also have the opportunity to adopt a critical approach of the fashion industry, by drawing a comparative analysis of the various labor legislations applicable to fashion-related jobs. By the end of the course, students will have acquired some key methods of analysis of the fashion industry both in a global context and a sustainable perspective.

Taught at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne by Dominique Jacomet, Franck Delpal, Giulia Mensitieri, Tanja Valcic and Erina Cavalli

Evaluation procedures and Grading criteria

Continuous assessment (70%):

Case study group work (D. Jacomet, F.Delpal) (30%)

Group work (Giulia Mensitieri) (40%)

Final exam (30%): Multiple Choice Questions (D. Jacomet, F. Delpal, T. Valcic, E.Cavalli)

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