Ricerca di contatti, progetti,
corsi e pubblicazioni

Research Methods I


Di Serio C.

Docente titolare del corso

Nonis A.



LESSON 1 Introduction to research method: epistemology and critical appraisal.
LESSON 2 Defining research question in simple experiments and surveys. Data collection principles.
LESSON 3 Sampling methods: from simple sampling to snowball sampling. How to select a sampling procedure consistent with the research question.
LESSON 4 How to translate your research question into a statistical question: a descriptive approach univariate
LESSON 5 How to translate your research question into a statistical question: a descriptive approach bivariate
LESSON 6 How to translate your research question into a statistical question: a descriptive approach bivariate
LESSON 7 Extract data from a public database and run descriptive analysis

LESSON 1 How to translate your research question into a statistical question: basics of an inferential approach with independent observations
LESSON 2 How to translate your research question into a statistical question: basics of an inferential approach with dependent samples
LESSON 3 How to translate your research question into a statistical question: basics of an inferential approach with multiple variables
LESSON 4 Data control and quality control
LESSON 5 Case Study Analysis I
LESSON 6 Case Study Analysis II

Each lesson includes a block of 4 hours.

Final exam will be in July, at the end of the semester during the regular exams’ sessions.

Assignments: During the course students might receive assignments. These are on voluntary base and will be corrected in class.

Reference book: Berenson Levine Krehbiel, Basic business statistics

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