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Territorio e architettura: interpretare e interagire


Bonnet F.

Docente titolare del corso

Livraghi A.



The first part of the course develops the students’ skills to interpret urban and territorial situations, to understand what is the purpose of architecture in this understanding of places. It is made of eleven lessons organized according to four thematics: measures (places and links, built material, geometry and patterns); soil (nature, divisions, bases); boundaries (figures, edges, interfaces); time (memory, rythms). The second part deals with critical notions closer from the transformation process of territories. We’ll display the dynamics and interactions of urban processes. This part consists of four thematics, split into three chapters: balance (durations, hybrid phenomenons, habitat); ressource (geography, materials, reconquest); strategy (representation, scale of impact, process modes); paradoxes (ideality and contingencies).


Gli obiettivi delle lezioni sono i seguenti: 1- Esplorare alcuni dei principali argomenti territoriali legati alla progettazione architettonica; 2- Sviluppare la consapevolezza, basata su precisi riferimenti architettonici, che l'architettura vada ben oltre il limite dell'edificio, incluse infrastrutture, paesaggio, suolo, spazi pubblici…; 3- Fornire sia riferimenti teorici (testi e concetti), capacità analitica delle risorse territoriali e più strumenti direttamente in gioco nella progettazione architettonica. The goals of the lessons are the following: 1- Exploring some of the main territorial topics connected with architectural design; 2- Developing awareness, based on precise architectural references, that architecture goes far beyond the limit of the building, including infrastructure, landscape, soil, public spaces…; 3- Providing both theoretical references (texts and concepts), analytic capacity of the territorial resources and more tools directly influencing architectural design.

Impostazione pedagogico-didattica

85% Lectures
15% Practice

Modalità d’esame

Written during examination

Offerta formativa