Ricerca di contatti, progetti,
corsi e pubblicazioni

Digital Archives


Maeusli T.

Docente titolare del corso


A historical overview helps the students to reflect about memory keeping and archiving and its strong correlation with the development of societies and techniques, also on theoretical level (collective memory). In a second step we analyse the digital shift in archival practices on concrete examples, observing actual states of the art and focussing mostly on audiovisual archives of broadcasters, given their rich content, their multiple complexity and their strong cultural heritage and public service dimension.


  • Understand the main objectives and principal rules of digital archiving and media management in a technically and culturally changing context
  • Understand the importance of standard models and be able to apply them to concrete realities
  • Understand the strong interaction between advanced technics (example: artificial intelligence) and digital archives
  • Understand the economic, social and political aspects of memory keeping, and its changing in the digital age
  • Stimulate creative use of archival content and knowledge of best practices
  • Understand the idea of collective memory and its cultural and political dimensions

Modalità di insegnamento

In presenza

Impostazione pedagogico-didattica

The students will be invited to analyse with the help of the Course Director a concrete digital archive reality.

Given the strong interactive approach, attendance is an advantage for the students, but not obligatory. They should be able to organize a group work together with 1-3 colleagues.

Modalità d’esame

  • Group presentation, with distinct contribution of each student: 20 % of the final evaluation.
  • Final oral examination on the course content: 80 % of the final evaluation.



  • Course Manuscript (will be delivered online)



Offerta formativa

Viaggi di studio

  • Archives RSI, Lugano, 07.04.23 - 07.04.23 (Obbligatorio)