Ricerca di contatti, progetti,
corsi e pubblicazioni



Munshi N. V.

Docente titolare del corso


The course aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the importance of linking creativity and innovation to corporate strategy and of the tools and techniques that will enable entry level managers to assist in development, implementation and management of technology strategy and innovation, at the business and corporate levels to meet the competitive challenges of the knowledge-driven world economy.


On completing the course students will be able to: 

  • Use ideation tools and techniques for Creativity thinking
  • Understand the different types and patterns of Innovation and technology evolution
  • Develop a technology strategy for business model innovation and integrate it with business unit and corporate strategy in a global context using a variety of mechanisms, tools and techniques
  • Assist informed decision making and management of the IP and R&D portfolios globally to meet corporate objectives 
  • Assist informed decision making and management of knowledge –based networks and strategic technology alliances in a global context 

Modalità di insegnamento

In presenza

Impostazione pedagogico-didattica

The course comprises multiple sessions of live contact time and asynchronous team work of equivalent time, over a four day period. While I will adhere to the session guidelines, there may be some changes in sessions based on class interaction and introduction of cases in class that may prove to be interesting to our class discussion. Students will be expected to spend at least an equivalent length of time in private study and additional time in doing their coursework. The course will be taught through formal lectures, group exercises, problem-focused student presentations and discussions based on case-studies. It is expected that the course discussions will be highly interactive and all students will be strongly encouraged to participate. 

Case studies, essential readings and chapters are indicated for each session in the syllabus.

Modalità d’esame

50% team project; 50% final exam


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