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Conversations with industry experts on Investor Relations


Raimondo C.

Docente titolare del corso

Rossini F.

Docente titolare del corso


The course provides an overview of the Investor Relations business practice covering the following topics/areas:

1. Firms' Financial Strategic Options
From Seed Capital to Venture Capital to Private Equity (PE) financing options & business models

2. Equity Capital Market & the IPO (Initial Public Offering) process
How Equity Capital Markets work: the role of the Investment Bank in the IPO process, what implies to become a publicly listed company 

3. The Sell Side
 Equity Research/Corporate Broking: the role of the Sell-side Analyst. The interaction with the Investors. The interaction with Companies/IR

4. The Fund/Asset Manager

The Investor side: idea generation process, Investment selection process, Long/Short strategies, the Asset Mgr. interaction with the IR

5. The Investment Firm

Trends in Asset Management, Value vs. Growth Investment strategies, Investment case studies

6. The IR function & business practice
The role of the Investor Relations and its interactions with all the actors of the complex financial market ecosystem 

7. ESG themes: relevance and interactions with the Investor Relations

Socially responsible investments; Governance and active shareholders engagement & challenges; Environment issues rationale

8.The Debt Capital Market side

Credit Rating Agencies what they do and why they matter; the Credit Analyst role & interaction with the IR

9. CEO/Executive testimonial

A precious direct testimonial by the Founder/CEO of an already listed or potentially listing company: opportunities & challenges


Investor Relations has evolved into a strategic function, over time, capable to contribute materially to enhance the Company’s market value.  The course aims to serve the students with the real Market environment & financial ecosystem with which the Investor Relations interact.
Students exiting the course will have received a hands-on approach provided by leading finance professionals, as close as possible to real life IR business practice seeked by Companies listed on the Market.

Modalità di insegnamento

In presenza

Impostazione pedagogico-didattica

Attendance 70% mandatory

Classes alternate theoretical format lessons with selected interventions by recognized business professionals covering the topics/themes outlined in the program. Active students’ participation in the follow-through discussions is strongly encouraged and will count towards the final exam outcome

Modalità d’esame

Final written exam in multiple-choice and open questions format. Students' active participation to class discussions and eventual groups' work-outs/presentations will also be part of the final course valuation

Required Material

  • Presentations by course presenters, uploaded on iCorsi after each class
  • Suggested reading to be indicated for each relevant topic discussed during the course 

Offerta formativa