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Theology of Religions


Roux R.

Docente titolare del corso


Through a chronological survey of the main concepts and theological models from the beginning of Christianity up to the present day, the course aims to provide a first orientation in the field of theology of religions. Particular attention is given to contemporary Christian approaches to non-Christian religions and their consequence for the definition of Christian identity.


  • Basic knowledge of the main problems, concepts, and hypotheses in the field of theology of religions.
  • Ability to analyze attitudes towards other religions in their historical and cultural context, discern underlying prejudices and presuppositions, and evaluate implications for interreligious dialogue.

Modalità di insegnamento


Impostazione pedagogico-didattica


Modalità d’esame

At the end of each course, the students must take a written examination. It focuses on the topics covered during the course as well as on the texts listed in the recommended bibliography, required for the exam.
The examination consists of five open questions. The answer must be 3000 characters long each one, including spaces.
The examination paper must be uploaded into the dedicated area on the eLearning platform, during the exam session.
Dates can be consulted in the exams calendar.

Offerta formativa