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Master of Science in Computational Science (MCS)


The Master of Science degree in Computational Science (MCS) at the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) offers students the opportunity to acquire an in-depth understanding and set of skills in computational science, involving numerical simulation, applied mathematics, statistics, and data science. It provides an innovative combination of methodological and applied competencies in both computational and data science, which endow students with the knowledge and skills that are needed to operate at the forefront of science and industry.

The MCS is fostering a synergistic advancement of all components of computing and data sciences. It will educate students to rethink and develop novel mathematical methods, algorithms, and software to use such emerging computing modalities, or to fuse models and data to extract structure from complexity across disciplines. The MCS provides the foundations of a new form of computational thinking, and it trains master students to use various computing modes and advancements in mathematics, algorithms and software to address challenges presented by science or society.