Edgar Eduardo Rosales Rosero
Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica (4)
- Rosales Rosero E. E., Basso M., Rosà A., Binder W. (in uscita) Large-scale Characterization of Java Stream, Software: Practice and Experience:1-29
- Rosales Rosero E. E., Basso M., Rosà A., Binder W. (2023) Profiling and Optimizing Java Streams, The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming 7(3):1-39
- Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Binder W. (2019) Analysis and Optimization of Task Granularity on the Java Virtual Machine, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 41(3):19:1-19:47
- Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Binder W. (2017) Accurate Reification of Complete Supertype Information for Dynamic Analysis on the JVM, ACM SIGPLAN Notices 52(12):104-116
Contributo in atti di conferenza (14)
- Basso M., Rosales Rosero E. E., Schiavio F., Rosà A., Binder W. (2022) Accurate Fork-Join Profiling on the Java Virtual Machine. EuroPar. Glasgow, United Kingdom. 22-26 August 2022
- Rosales Rosero E. E., Rosà A., Basso M., Villazon Torrico A., Orellana A., Zenteno A., Rivero J., Binder W. (2022) Characterizing Java Streams in the Wild. ICECCS. Hiroshima, Japan. 26-30 March 2022
- Villazon Torrico A., Sun H., Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Bonetta D., Defilippis I., Oporto S., Binder W. (2021) Automated Large-scale Multi-language Dynamic Program Analysis in the Wild. SE. Braunschweig, Germany. February 2021
- Rosales Rosero E. E., Rosà A., Binder W. (2020) Analysis and Optimization of Task Granularity on the Java Virtual Machine. SE. Innsbruck, Austria. May 2020
- Rosales Rosero E. E., Rosà A., Binder W. (2020) FJProf: Profiling Fork/Join Applications on the Java Virtual Machine. VALUETOOLS. Tsukuba, Japan. May 2020
- Rosales Rosero E. E., Rosà A., Binder W. (2020) Profiling Streams on the Java Virtual Machine. MoreVMs. Porto, Portugal. March 2020
- Villazon Torrico A., Sun H., Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Bonetta D., Defilippis I., Oporto S., Binder W. (2019) Automated Large-scale Multi-language Dynamic Program Analysis in the Wild. ECOOP. London, United Kingdom. 2019
- Villazon Torrico A., Sun H., Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Bonetta D., Defilippis I., Oporto S., Binder W. (2019) NAB: Automated Large-scale Multi-language Dynamic Program Analysis in Public Code Repositories. SPLASH. SPLASH. Athens, Greece. 20.08.19
- Rosales Rosero E. E., Rosà A., Binder W. (2019) Optimization Coaching for Fork/Join Applications on the Java Virtual Machine. MoreVMs. Genova, Italy. 2019
- Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Binder W. (2018) Analyzing and Optimizing Task Granularity on the JVM. CGO. Vienna, Austria. 2018
- Rosales Rosero E. E., Rosà A., Binder W. (2018) lpt: A Tool for Tuning the Level of Parallelism of Spark Applications. APSEC. Nara, Japan. December 2018
- Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Schiavio F., Binder W. (2018) Understanding Task Granularity on the JVM: Profiling, Analysis, and Optimization. Programming 2018. Nice, France. 2018
- Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Binder W. (2017) Accurate Reification of Complete Supertype Information for Dynamic Analysis on the JVM. GPCE. Vancouver, Canada. 2017
- Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Binder W. (2017) tgp: a Task-Granularity Profiler for the Java Virtual Machine. APSEC. Nanjing, China. 2017
Altra pubblicazione (1)
- Villazon Torrico A., Sun H., Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Bonetta D., Defilippis I., Oporto S., Binder W. (2019) Automated Large-scale Multi-language Dynamic Program Analysis in the Wild (artifact)