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Elide Garbani-Nerini



Ph.D candidate at the Faculty of Communication Sciences at Università della Svizzera italiana (USI, Switzerland). Elide holds a Master degree in Economics and Communication, major in International Tourism (USI). Her research focuses on hyper-personalisation in tourism, namely on the analysis and interpretation of big data to create more personalised tourism experiences. Her Ph.D research is conducted in connection with the Interreg project DESy (Digital Destination Evolution System) a collaboration with Agenzia Turistica Ticinese SA (Ticino Tourism), USI, SUPSI – in Switzerland – and Distretto dei Laghi, Agenzia di Accoglienza e Promozione Turistica Locale Provincia di Novara, Provincia Verbano Cusio Ossola – in Italy. The main aim of the project is to encourage digital transformation of the travel destination by helping stakeholders have more information on visitors’ behaviour and, hence, create more personalised communication and services.