Walter Binder
Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica (10)
- Rosales Rosero E. E., Basso M., Rosà A., Binder W. (in uscita) Large-scale Characterization of Java Stream, Software: Practice and Experience:1-29
- Basso M., Prokopec A., Rosà A., Binder W. (2023) Optimization-Aware Compiler-Level Event Profiling, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems:1-50
- Rosales Rosero E. E., Basso M., Rosà A., Binder W. (2023) Profiling and Optimizing Java Streams, The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming 7(3):1-39
- Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Binder W. (2019) Analysis and Optimization of Task Granularity on the Java Virtual Machine, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 41(3):19:1-19:47
- Rosà A., Binder W. (2018) Optimizing Type-specific Instrumentation on the JVM with Reflective Supertype Information, Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 49:29-45
- Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Binder W. (2017) Accurate Reification of Complete Supertype Information for Dynamic Analysis on the JVM, ACM SIGPLAN Notices 52(12):104-116
- Rosà A., Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2017) Actor Profiling in Virtual Execution Environments, ACM SIGPLAN Notices 52(3):36-46
- Rosà A., Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2017) Failure Analysis and Prediction for Big-Data Systems, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 10(6):984-998
- Rosà A., Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2015) Demystifying Casualties of Evictions in Big Data Priority Scheduling, SIGMETRICS Perform. Eval. Rev. 42(4):12-21
- Çavdar D., Rosà A., Chen . Y., Binder W., Alagöz F. (2014) Quantifying the Brown Side of the Priority Scheduler: Lessons from Big Clusters., SIGMETRICS Perform. Eval. Rev. 42(3):76-81
Contributo in atti di conferenza (40)
- Basso M., Rosà A., Omini L., Binder W. (2023) Java Vector API: Benchmarking and Performance Analysis. CC. Montreal, Canada. February 2023
- Basso M., Rosales Rosero E. E., Schiavio F., Rosà A., Binder W. (2022) Accurate Fork-Join Profiling on the Java Virtual Machine. EuroPar. Glasgow, United Kingdom. 22-26 August 2022
- Rosales Rosero E. E., Rosà A., Basso M., Villazon Torrico A., Orellana A., Zenteno A., Rivero J., Binder W. (2022) Characterizing Java Streams in the Wild. ICECCS. Hiroshima, Japan. 26-30 March 2022
- Basso M., Schiavio F., Rosà A., Binder W. (2022) Optimizing Parallel Java Streams. ICECCS. Hiroshima, Japan. 26-30 March 2022
- Schiavio F., Rosà A., Binder W. (2022) SQL to Stream with S2S: An Automatic Benchmark Generator for the Java Stream API. GPCE. Auckland, New Zealand. December 2022
- Villazon Torrico A., Sun H., Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Bonetta D., Defilippis I., Oporto S., Binder W. (2021) Automated Large-scale Multi-language Dynamic Program Analysis in the Wild. SE. Braunschweig, Germany. February 2021
- Sun H., Rosà A., Bonetta D., Binder W. (2021) Automatically Assessing and Extending Code Coverage for NPM Packages. AST. Madrid, Spain. May 2021
- Rosales Rosero E. E., Rosà A., Binder W. (2020) Analysis and Optimization of Task Granularity on the Java Virtual Machine. SE. Innsbruck, Austria. May 2020
- Rosales Rosero E. E., Rosà A., Binder W. (2020) FJProf: Profiling Fork/Join Applications on the Java Virtual Machine. VALUETOOLS. Tsukuba, Japan. May 2020
- Rosà A., Binder W. (2020) P3: A Profiler Suite for Parallel Applications on the Java Virtual Machine. APLAS. Fukuoka, Japan. November 2020
- Rosales Rosero E. E., Rosà A., Binder W. (2020) Profiling Streams on the Java Virtual Machine. MoreVMs. Porto, Portugal. March 2020
- Prokopec A., Rosà A., Leopoldseder D., Duboscq G., Tuma P., Studener M., Bulej L., Zheng Y., Villazon Torrico A., Simon D., Würthinger T., Binder W. (2020) Renaissance: Benchmarking Suite for Parallel Applications on the JVM. SE. Innsbruck, Austria. February 2020
- Villazon Torrico A., Sun H., Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Bonetta D., Defilippis I., Oporto S., Binder W. (2019) Automated Large-scale Multi-language Dynamic Program Analysis in the Wild. ECOOP. London, United Kingdom. 2019
- Villazon Torrico A., Sun H., Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Bonetta D., Defilippis I., Oporto S., Binder W. (2019) NAB: Automated Large-scale Multi-language Dynamic Program Analysis in Public Code Repositories. SPLASH. SPLASH. Athens, Greece. 20.08.19
- Schiavio F., Sun H., Bonetta D., Rosà A., Binder W. (2019) NodeMOP: Runtime Verification for Node.js Applications. SAC. Limassol, Cyprus. 2019
- Rosales Rosero E. E., Rosà A., Binder W. (2019) Optimization Coaching for Fork/Join Applications on the Java Virtual Machine. MoreVMs. Genova, Italy. 2019
- Prokopec A., Rosà A., Leopoldseder D., Duboscq G., Tuma P., Studener M., Bulej L., Zheng Y., Villazon Torrico A., Simon D., Würthinger T., Binder W. (2019) Renaissance: A Modern Benchmark Suite for Parallel Applications on the JVM. SPLASH. SPLASH. Athens, Greece. 20.10.19
- Prokopec A., Rosà A., Leopoldseder D., Duboscq G., Tuma P., Studener M., Bulej L., Zheng Y., Villazon Torrico A., Simon D., Würthinger T., Binder W. (2019) Renaissance: Benchmarking Suite for Parallel Applications on the JVM. PLDI. Phoenix, AZ, USA. 2019
- Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Binder W. (2018) Analyzing and Optimizing Task Granularity on the JVM. CGO. Vienna, Austria. 2018
- Rosales Rosero E. E., Rosà A., Binder W. (2018) lpt: A Tool for Tuning the Level of Parallelism of Spark Applications. APSEC. Nara, Japan. December 2018
- Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Schiavio F., Binder W. (2018) Understanding Task Granularity on the JVM: Profiling, Analysis, and Optimization. Programming 2018. Nice, France. 2018
- Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Binder W. (2017) Accurate Reification of Complete Supertype Information for Dynamic Analysis on the JVM. GPCE. Vancouver, Canada. 2017
- Sun H., Rosà A., Javed O., Binder W. (2017) ADRENALIN-RV: Android Runtime Verification using Load-time Weaving. ICST. Tokyo, Japan. 2017
- Sun H., Javed O., Binder W. (2017) ADRENALIN-RV: Android Runtime Verification using Load-time Weaving.. ICST. ICST. Tokyo, Japan. 2017
- Rosà A., Binder W. (2017) Speeding up Type-specific Instrumentation for the Analysis of Complex Systems. ICECCS. Fukuoka, Japan. 2017
- Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Binder W. (2017) tgp: a Task-Granularity Profiler for the Java Virtual Machine. APSEC. Nanjing, China. 2017
- Rosà A., Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2016) Actor Profiling in Virtual Execution Environments. GPCE. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2016
- Rosà A., Zheng Y., Sun H., Javed O., Binder W. (2016) Adaptable Runtime Monitoring for the Java Virtual Machine. ISoLA. Corfu, Greece. 2016
- Rosà A., Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2016) AkkaProf: a Profiler for Akka Actors in Parallel and Distributed Applications. APLAS. Hanoi, Vietnam. 2016
- Rosà A., Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2016) An Endpoint Communication Profiling Tool for Distributed Computing Frameworks. ICDCS. Nara, Japan. 2016
- Zheng Y., Rosà A., Salucci L., Li Y., Sun H., Javed O., Bulej L., Chen L. Y., Qi . Z., Binder W. (2016) AutoBench: Finding Workloads That You Need Using Pluggable Hybrid Analyses. SANER. Osaka, Japan. 2016
- Rosà A., Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2016) Efficient Profiling of Actor-based Applications in Parallel and Distributed Systems. ICOOOLPS. Rome, Italy. 2016
- Javed O., Zheng Y., Rosà A., Sun H., Binder W. (2016) Extended Code Coverage for AspectJ-based Runtime Verification Tools. RV. Madrid, Spain. 2016
- Rosà A., Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2016) Profiling Actor Utilization and Communication in Akka. Erlang. Nara, Japan. 2016
- Rosà A., Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2015) Catching Failures of Failures at Big-Data Clusters: a Two-Level Neural Network Approach. IWQoS. Portland, OR, USA. 2015
- Rosà A., Chen . Y., Binder W. (2015) Predicting and Mitigating Jobs Failures in Big Data Clusters. CCGrid. Shenzen, China. 2015
- Rosà A., Chen . Y., Binder W. (2015) Understanding the Dark Side of Big Data Clusters: an Analysis beyond Failures. DSN. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2015
- Rosà A., Chen . Y., Binder W. (2015) Understanding Unsuccessful Executions in Big-Data Systems. CCGrid. Shenzen, China. 2015
- Rosà A., Binder W., Chen L. Y., Gribaudo M., Serazzi G. (2014) ParSim: a Tool for Workload Modeling and Reproduction of Parallel Applications. MASCOTS. Paris, France. 2014
- Çavdar D., Rosà A., Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2014) Quantifying the Brown Side of Priority Schedulers: Lessons from Big Clusters. Greenmetrics. Austin, TX, USA. 2014
Rapporto tecnico (3)
- Prokopec A., Rosà A., Leopoldseder D., Duboscq G., Tuma P., Studener M., Bulej L., Zheng Y., Villazon Torrico A., Simon D., Wuerthinger T., Binder W. (2019) On Evaluating the Renaissance Benchmarking Suite: Variety, Performance, and Complexity (2019/02)
- Ansaloni D., Binder W., Heydarnoori A. (2010) Exploiting Under-Utilized Cores with Deferred Methods (2010/07)
- Bianculli D., Binder W. (2009) Automated Performance Assessment for Service-Oriented Middleware (2009/07)
Poster per conferenza (1)
Altra pubblicazione (1)
- Villazon Torrico A., Sun H., Rosà A., Rosales Rosero E. E., Bonetta D., Defilippis I., Oporto S., Binder W. (2019) Automated Large-scale Multi-language Dynamic Program Analysis in the Wild (artifact)