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Andrea Danani



Dr. Andrea Danani received the Dipl.-Ing degree in Physics from ETH in Zurich in 1987. After Ph.D. degrees at SISSA/ISAS in Trieste, in 1992 respectively, Dr. Danani worked with a post-doctoral postion for many years at several Physics Departments (Politecnico di Torino, Università Statale of Milano and Università di Genova) and as scientific collaborator by the Swiss National Supercomputing Center (CSCS) in Manno. His scientific activity was first centered on the modellization of many-electron systems and their phase transitions and later on the description of surface diffusion of adatoms in metals using analytical models and several numerical simulation methods like MonteCarlo and Molecular dynamics. At CSCS, he also organized camps for swiss students (C3-Campus) in applied informatics. Since 2000, he works at SUPSI as scientific collaborator and teacher. He has been project leader of several projects mainly related to the numerical simulation and the modellization of polymer nanocomposites and in the biopharmaceutics field mainly for drug delivery problems.