Luca Di Grazia
I am a Postdoctoral researcher in Software Engineering in the STAR group at University of Lugano (USI) in Switzerland advised by Prof. Mauro Pezzè. Previously, I got my PhD (summa cum laude) in Software Engineering at Stuttgart Universität advised by Prof. Michael Pradel with the thesis "Supporting Software Evolution via Search and Prediction".
Major Achievements:
- Until now: Innovative research in Software Engineering and Generative AI at a prestigious university (Top-20 in CSRankings for Software Engineering) and a tech giant (Market Cap > $100B) across multiple countries.
- - 2024: Successufully defended my PhD with Summa cum laude (the highest grade in the German system).
- - 2023: Won GenAI Uber competition with my internship project on using generative AI for fixing bugs to boost developer productivity, beating 103 teams, and presenting as winners to the Uber's CEO and ELT.
- - 2022: Won the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ESEC/FSE 2022.
- - 2022: Second prize at ACM Student Research Competition at ICSE 2022: Efficiently and Precisely Searching for Code Changes with DiffSearch ($300).
- - 2020: Gnome Challenge 2020 winner (1st phase) to Reach a new generation of open-source coders ($1,000).
- - 2016-2018: Awarded national scholarship to study computer engineering at Polytechnic of Turin (€3,000/year).
- - Reviewer for IEEE TSE, ACM TOSEM, ISSTA, Hiring Evaluator for the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Intelligent Systems (IS) and the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems Systems (ELLIS).
More info on my website.