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Benchmark Evolution Analysis



Binder W.



The aim of the research visit is to enable close collaboration on research topics focusing on Renaissance, an established suite of modern workloads for the Java Virtual Machine, which is commonly used to evaluate performance of the Java Virtual Machine and its components. The key research topics concern analysis of workload performance evolution over 9 releases and 5 years since initial publication, more detailed characterization of existing workloads and comparison with the recently released update of the DaCapo benchmark suite (14 years since previous release), and identification and development of new candidate workloads targeting modern features of the Java language, APIs, and the Java Virtual Machine. The project expects to yield a high-quality publication and open-source analysis tools, fostering ongoing collaboration on the Renaissance suite, and prepare grounds for a joint grant project proposal.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Data d'inizio
Data di fine
6 Mesi
Enti finanziatori
In corso
Swiss National Science Foundation / Scientific Exchanges