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REVITRANN - Workflows to reuse video data, transcripts and annotations in Interactional Linguistics



Primary spoken language data (recordings) and secondary data at various levels of abstraction (transcripts, annotations) are today encoded digitally and can be shared respecting FAIR principles, if an informed consent has been obtained from the speakers and suitable data protection measures have been taken. Transcribed video recordings have become increasingly important in the study of spoken language and in the social sciences. They capture key aspects of social interaction and of spoken language as a set of multimodal resources. They are however particularly complex to handle and demanding when it comes to storage space. To make transcribed video data fully FAIR, including reusability, infrastructure must be developed that provides support to analyse the data online in an integrated digital environment. Possible tasks a researcher might want to perform online are e.g. the use of personal/group workspaces, re-transcription or additional (e.g. multimodal) transcription, graphic novel style transcription, subtitling, time- and text-anchored annotation of various complexity, storage and indexing of data snippets, collection building, memos/notes, quantitative analysis, download and export functions. The present proposal contributes to build the digital infrastructure for transcribed video data in Switzerland by reviewing existing platforms worldwide, describing the VideoScope software (LiRI/UZH) and its implementation at USI, and outlining this software’s potential for development when it comes to analytical workflows for Interactional Linguistics.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Data d'inizio
Data di fine
7 Mesi
Partner esterni
CLARIN-CH, UZH, ZHAW, UniL, UniBAS, LinguisticBits
USI Internal calls / Projects on OS and ORD