BLISS - Bacau and Lugano – Teaching Informatics for a Sustainable Society
The project Bacau and Lugano - Teaching Informatics for a Sustainable Society (acronym BLISS) aims to promote the partnership between Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau, Romania (in Romanian, Universitatea Vasile Alecsandri din Bacau, UB) and Università della Svizzera italiana of Lugano (USI), Switzerland, in order to focus on issues and trends regarding all aspects of Informatics: education, research, funding, career development, and specific policies. With the support of knowledge and expertise provided by USI in this area, UB will improve its capacity to provide graduates with the skills required today on the labour market and will enhance the visibility of the Romanian researchers in the European research space. Moreover, the collaboration between the two universities will allow researchers to approach issues related to sustainable development, equality of chances, and social inclusion.