The Sun's spectrally resolved center-to-limb variation
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The center-to-limb variation (CLV) of the Sun's continuous spectrum iswell known and has served as a major observational constraint on models of the solar atmosphere. The CLV however also varies dramatically with wavelength inside each spectral line. Here we report on two new atlases that show the properties of the CLV with high spectral resolution. One is a fully resolved spectral atlas from 4084 to 9950 AA of the ratio between the near limb spectrum, at 10 arcsec inside the limb, and the disk center spectrum, both recorded with the FTS at NSO/Kitt Peak. The other atlas gives the same kind of information but covers the whole range of limb distances by giving the ratio spectra for the nine $mu$ positions 0.1, 0.2, łdots, 0.9. This set of nine atlases for different $mu$ have been recorded over the last couple of years with the solar facility at IRSOL (Istituto Ricerche Solari Locarno) in Switzerland. We find that the CLV is spectrally as richly structured as the ordinary intensity spectrum, but the structuring is different and contains diagnostic information that is not contained in the intensity spectrum. Here we illustrate the properties of the new spectral structures and discuss what they mean.
Atti di conferenza
AAS/Solar Physics Division Meeting
AAS/Solar Physics Division Meeting
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