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Polarized x-rays constrain the disk-jet geometry in the black hole x-ray binary Cygnus X-1

Informazioni aggiuntive

Krawczynski H., Muleri F., Dovčiak M., Veledina A., Cavero N. R. ., Svoboda J., Ingram A., Matt G., Garcia J. A. ., Loktev V., Negro M., Poutanen J., Kitaguchi T., Podgorn'y J., Rankin J., Zhang W., Berdyugin A., Berdyugina S., Bianchi S., Blinov D., Capitanio F., Lalla N. D. ., Draghis P., Fabiani S., Kagitani M., Kravtsov V., Kiehlmann S., Latronico L., Lutovinov A. A. ., Mandarakas N., Marin F., Marinucci A., Miller J. M. ., Mizuno T., Molkov S. V. ., Omodei N., Petrucci P. O., Ratheesh A., Sakanoi T., Semena A. N. ., Skalidis R., Soffitta P., Tennant A. F. ., Thalhammer P., Tombesi F., Weisskopf M. C. ., Wilms J., Zhang S., Agudo I., Antonelli L. A. ., Bachetti M., Baldini L., Baumgartner W. H. ., Bellazzini R., Bongiorno S. D. ., Bonino R., Brez A., Bucciantini N., Castellano S., Cavazzuti E., Ciprini S., Costa E., Rosa A. D. ., Monte E. D. ., Gesu L. D. ., Marco A. D. ., Donnarumma I., Doroshenko V., Ehlert S. R. ., Enoto T., Evangelista Y., Ferrazzoli R., Gunji S., Hayashida K., Heyl J., Iwakiri W., Jorstad S. G. ., Karas V., Kolodziejczak J. J. ., Monaca F. L. ., Liodakis I., Maldera S., Manfreda A., Marscher A. P. ., Marshall H. L. ., Mitsuishi I., Ng C. Y., O’Dell S. L. ., Oppedisano C., Papitto A., Pavlov G. G. ., Peirson A. L. ., Perri M., Pesce-Rollins M., Pilia M., Possenti A., Puccetti S., Ramsey B. D. ., Romani R. W. ., Sgr`o C., Slane P., Spandre G., Tamagawa T., Tavecchio F., Taverna R., Tawara Y., Thomas N. E. ., Trois A., Tsygankov S., Turolla R., Vink J., Wu K., Xie F., Zane S.
Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica
A black hole x-ray binary (XRB) system forms when gas is stripped from anormal star and accretes onto a black hole, which heats the gassufficiently to emit x-rays. We report a polarimetricobservation of the XRB Cygnus X-1 using the Imaging X-rayPolarimetry Explorer. The electric field position angle alignswith the outflowing jet, indicating that the jet is launchedfrom the inner x-ray–emitting region. Thepolarization degree is 4.01 ensuremathpm 0.20% at 2 to 8kiloelectronvolts, implying that the accretion disk is viewedcloser to edge-on than the binary orbit. These observationsreveal that hot x-ray–emitting plasma is spatiallyextended in a plane perpendicular to, not parallel to, the jetaxis.
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