Ricerca di contatti, progetti,
corsi e pubblicazioni

Centro di etica e di diritto della comunicazione (ECLC)


The center is considered the vanguard of USI’s communication faculty’s interest in the ethical responsibilities and legal rights in all related fields of communication studies.

It engages in

  • research in the overlap of legal studies and ethics with a focus on communication, particularly on the transitory space of voluntary and mandatory rules (as in CSR). Other topics in the overlap: Cyber law, academic research, codes of conduct, legal and ethical challenges of the digital age
  • teaching legal and ethical aspects of research and publication to PhD students (and possibly other faculty members) on topics like privacy, data protection and plagiarism. Dialogical co-teaching is applied.
  • creating awareness within the university and beyond of legal and ethical aspects concerning all areas of communication studies.

Aree di competenza