Istituto di Computing (CI)
In corso (5)
- Schenk O. (2023) Numerical Algorithms, Frameworks, and Scalable Technologies for Extreme-Scale Computing
- Schenk O., Eugster P. T., Wit E. J. (2022) EUMaster4HPC - HPC euRopean ConsortiUm Leading Education activitieS
- Horenko I., Gagliardini P. (2022) MaxEnt-Fin - Computational maximum entropy approach to high-dimensional modeling and analysis in finance
- Lomi A., Wit E. J. (2021) The Dynamics of Innovation: latent space modelling of patent citations
- Schenk O. (2019) Can Economic Policy Mitigate Climate-Change?
Conclusi (6)
- Schenk O. (2020) High-Performance Data Analytics Framework for Power Markets Simulation
- Schenk O. (2020) KAUST - Preparing for next-generation approximate Bayesian inference using R-INLA
- Wit E. J. (2019) Sparse inference of complex networks
- Schenk O. (2019) Balanced Graph Partition Refinement using the Graph p-Laplacian
- Pivkin I. (2018) Cell biomechanics in silico: Model development and validation
- Schenk O. (2017) EQUILIBRIA - Computing equilibria in heterogeneous agent macro models on contemporary HPC platforms