Center for the Advancement of Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety (CAHQS)
Journal Article (39)
Stojanov A., Hannawa A. F., Adam L. (2024)
Communication following the SACCIA framework weakens the relationship between dark triad and academic misconduct, Communication Reports
Stojanov A., Hannawa A. F., Adam L. (2024)
SACCIA communication, attitudes towards cheating and academic misconduct, Journal of Academic Ethics
Hannawa A. F. (2024)
Shared decision-making in an era of silo-based care (- or what it takes to tango), Journal of Patient Safety & Risk Management
Stojanov A., Hannawa A. F. (2023)
Toward French and Italian Language Validations of the Conspiracy Mentality Scale (CMS)., Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences
Stojanov A., Hannawa A. F. (2023)
Validating a German version of the Conspiracy Mentality Scale (CMS)., Journal of Personality Assessment:1-11
Hannawa A. F. (2022)
Beziehungen pflegen: Die Kunst einer „SACCIA“-sicheren Kommunikation., Psychiatrische Pflege.
Hannawa A. F., Stojanov A. (2022)
“Compliant Supporters,” “Anxious Skeptics,” and “Defiant Deniers”: A Latent Profile Analysis of People’s Responses to Covid-19 Communications., Health Communication
Hannawa A. F., Wu A., Kolyada A., Potemkina A., Donaldson L. (2022)
The aspects of healthcare quality that are important to health professionals and patients: A qualitative study., Patient Education & Counseling
Hannawa A. F. (2022)
The quality of public communication during COVID-19: Symptoms of a wider malaise, Swiss Medical Weekly:x
Hannawa A. F. (2021)
Definitely Defining: How Pressing the “Pause” Button Empowers the Force of the “In-Between“, Health Communication
Hannawa A. F., Frankel R. (2021)
“It matters what I think, not what you say”: Scientific Evidence for a Medical Error Disclosure Skills Model., Journal of Patient Safety:1-8
Hannawa A. F. (2021)
“We’re on our way:” A Message from the Mountains., Journal of Patient Safety & Risk Management
Hannawa A. F., Spitzberg B., Childress M., Frankel R., Pham J. (2020)
Communication Science Lessons for Patient Safety and Quality Care, Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management:197-204
Hannawa A. F. (2020)
The mind of an academic, the voice of a patient: My field experience with safe communication, Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management:144-146
Lippke S., Wienert J., Keller F., Derksen C., ... .., Hannawa A. F. (2019)
Communication and patient safety in gynecology and obstetrics - study protocol of an intervention study., BMC Health Services Research:1-18
Pek J., de Korne D., Hannawa A. F., et al. .. (2019)
Dispatcher-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation for paediatric out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A structured evaluation of communication issues using the SACCIA safe communication typology., Resuscitation:144-151
Fischer F., Helmer S., Rogge A., Arraras J., Buchholz A., Hannawa A. F., et al. .. (2019)
Outcomes and outcome measures used in evaluation of communication training in oncology - a systematic literature review, an expert workshop, and recommendations for future research., BMC Cancer:1-15
Amati R., Bellandi T., Kaissi A., Hannawa A. F. (2019)
Testing the Integrative Quality Care Assessment Tool (INQUAT): Comparing U.S. and Italian managers’ perceptions of quality., International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance.:120-144
Hannawa A. F. (2019)
When facing our fallibility constitutes “safe practice”: Further evidence for the Medical Error Disclosure Competence (MEDC) guidelines., Patient Education & Counseling:1840-1846
Amati R., Kaissi A., Hannawa A. F. (2018)
Determinants of good and poor quality as perceived by U.S. health care managers: A grounded taxonomy based on evidence from narratives of care., Journal of Health Organization and Management:708-725
Hannawa A. F. (2018)
“SACCIA Safe Communication”: Five core competencies for safe and high-quality care, Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management:99-107
Roter D., Wolff J., Wu A., Hannawa A. F. (2017)
Patient and family empowerment as agents of ambulatory care safety and quality., BMJ Quality & Safety
Øvretveit J., Street R., Thilo F., Thimbleby H., Hannawa A. F. (2017)
Using and choosing digital health technologies: A communication science perspective., Journal of Health Organization and Management.
Hannawa A. F. (2017)
What constitutes "competent error disclosure"? Insights from a national focus group study in Switzerland., Swiss Medical Weekly:w-14427
Hannawa A. F., Shigemoto Y., Little T. (2016)
Medical errors: Disclosure styles, interpersonal forgiveness, and outcomes., Social Science & Medicine:29-38
Hannawa A. F., García-Jiménez L., Rossmann C., Candrian C., Schulz P. J. (2015)
Identifying the Field of Health Communication, Journal of Health Communication:521-530
Amati R., Hannawa A. F. (2015)
Physician-perceived contradictions in end-of-life communication: Toward a self-report measurement scale, Health Communication:DOI:10.1080/10410236.2013.841532
Hannawa A. F. (2014)
Disclosing medical errors: The importance of nonverbal involvement., Patient Education & Counseling.
Hannawa A. F., Kreps G., Schulz P. J., Smith S., Street R. (2014)
Emerging issues and future directions in health communication, Health Communication:955-961
Amati R., Hannawa A. F. (2014)
Relational Dialectics Theory: Disentangling the tensions of end-of-life communication, Health Communication, 29 (10):962-973
Hannawa A. F., Roter D. L. (2013)
A diagnostic Tool for the Retrospective Analysis of Critical Events (TRACE), Patient Education and Counseling:230-238
Building bridges: Future directions for medical error disclosure research, Patient Education and Counseling:319-327
Hannawa A. F., Beckman H., Mazor K., Paul N., Ramsey J. (2013)
Building bridges: Future directions for medical error disclosure research., Patient Education and Counseling:319-327
Hannawa A. F. (2012)
Die Kommunikation nach einem Zwischenfall – Die Bedeutung des nonverbalen Verhaltens, Therapeutische Umschau, 69(6):363-366
Hannawa A. F. (2012)
"Explicitly implicit": Examining the importance of physician nonverbal involvement during error disclosures, Swiss Medical Weekly:w-13576
Hannawa A. F. (2012)
The principles of medical ethics: Implications for the disclosure of medical errors, Medicolegal and Bioethics:1-11
Hannawa A. F. (2011)
Shedding light on the dark side of doctor-patient interactions: Verbal and nonverbal messages physicians communicate during error disclosures, Patient Education and Counseling, 84:344-351
Floyd K., Boren J. P., Hannawa A. F., Hesse C., McEwan B., Veksler A. E. (2009)
Kissing in marital and cohabiting relationships: Effects on blood lipids, stress, and relationship satisfaction, Western Journal of Communication:113-133
Hannawa A. F. (2009)
Negotiating medical virtues: Toward the development of a Physician Mistake Disclosure (PMD) model, Health Communication, 24:391-399