Andrea Rocci
In progress (3)
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Greco S., Rocci A. (2023) CHORD-talk-in-interaction - Data-sharing skills in corpus-based research on talk-in-interaction
- Rocci A. (2022) iTrust - Interventions against Polarisation in Society for Trustworthy Social Media. From diagnosis to therapy
- Rocci A. (2021) Mining argumentative patterns in context. A large scale corpus study of Earnings Conference Calls of listed companies
Completed (12)
- Rocci A. (2019) DIGITALSKILLS - Multimodal Rhetoric Advertising: Digitalization and the Advertising Creative Process
- Rocci A. (2017) Discourse approaches to financial communication 2. Building trust in the markets with story and argument
- Greco S., Rocci A. (2015) Analysing children's implicit argumentation: Reconstruction of procedural and material premises
- Ossola C., Rocci A. (2014) The reasons for Politeness. The Birth of Contemporary Politeness in the Behavioural Treatises of 19th Century Italy.
- Rocci A. (2013) Natural Language Corpus Resources for Studying Dialogical Arguments
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Rocci A. (2012) From perception to inference. Evidential, argumentative and textual aspects of percep-tion predicates in Italian
- Rocci A., Perrin D. (2012) Argumentation in newsmaking process and product
- Rigotti E., Rocci A., van Eemeren F. H. (2012) ArgupolisII - Argumentation practices in context
- Rocci A. (2009) Endoxa and cultural keywords in the pragmatics of argumentative discourse
- Rocci A., Rigotti E. (2008) Modality in Argumentation. A semantico-argumentative Study of Predictions in Italian economic-financial Newspapers
- Paolini P., Schulz P. J. (2003) Wed - Web as Dialogue
- Rigotti E., Schubauer-Leoni M. L. (2000) Swissling - A Swiss linguistic courseware