Marco Colombetti
Completed (10)
- Fornara N. (2018) A Framework for Automatic Monitoring of Norms and Agreements Concerning Digital Assets in the Web of Data
- Colombetti M. (2013) An Infrastructure for Open Interaction Systems
- Colombetti M., Fornara N. (2011) Open Interaction System: An approach based on Atificial Institutions, Environments, and Institutional Spaces
- Colombetti M. (2011) Open Interaction Systems: an approach Based on Artificial Institutions and Service Oriented Architecture with an application to electronic market places
- Colombetti M. (2009) Developing a conceptual framework for agreement technologies
- Colombetti M., Fornara N. (2009) Open Interaction Systems: an approach Based on Artificial Institutions and Reasoning Agents with an application to Collaborative Environments
- Colombetti M. (2007) Model Checking and Monitoring Norms defined by Interdependent Institutions
- Colombetti M. (2007) Artificial institutions: specifications of open distributed interaction systems
- Colombetti M. (2005) Artificial institutions: specification and verification of open distributed interaction frameworks
- Colombetti M. (2003) An Open Interaction Framework for Communicative Agents