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Massimo Baioni


Born in 1963, he’s member of the Department of Historical Studies of State University of Milan beginning from 2018. From 1996 to April 2018 he has taught Contemporary History at the Univesity of Siena. He took the national qualification to full professor since december 2013. He has been professeur invité at the University of Paris 8 and at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris-Sorbonne) He is member since 2001 of the Executive of the Doctorate Humanities studies, University of Urbino. He is member since 1998 of the Editorial Board of the journal of contemporary history "Memoria e Ricerca" (Il Mulino, Bologne) and member of the "Comité scientifique" of the revue "Laboratoire italien". Since 2015 he is the director, with Fulvio Conti, of the book series of contemporary history "The reasons of Clio" (Pacini, Pisa).

Main research interests

Nation building and nationalization of the masses (XIX-XX centuries); Politics of memory and public use of history; urban spaces, museums, rituals; symbols and political myths; private writings.


Urban spaces and the representation of politics. Political cultures and myths in contemporary society.    The city as political myth and symbolic palimpsest   Trento and Trieste in the patriotic imaginaries of 20th century Italy.   History, sport, national identity. The case of Cagliari. The victory in the 1969-70 national football championship and its repercussions