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Davide Arioldi


Davide Arioldi is Post-Doc researcher at the Institute of Economic Research (IRE). He graduated at the University Cattolica del S. Cuore in Milan and received his PhD in Economics from USI in 2018 with a thesis about international trade. He previously worked as quantitative analyst and portfolio manager in investment firms. He is responsible for economic forecasting and nowcasting at the Observatory for Economic Dynamics (O-De) and PanenlCODE ( From 2016 is working on the detection of business dynamics by analyzing unstructured online databases.

From February 2018, he is also taking part to the Observatory for Public Finance and Energy (O-FPE), where he developed a forecasting model for fiscal revenue and provides comparative studies on regional government (Cantons) public finance.

In 2021, he created the online platform, to analyze the impact of economic policies on the local population.

He’s currently working on: Bayesian Neural Network, Probabilistic Programming, Causal structure learning with Probabilistic Graphical Model, text analysis.

He developed competence on international trade, consumer behavior, productivity-wage gap, bargaining theory, firm production, network analysis.

Github repositories: 


From 2016, Detection of business dynamics by analyzing unstructured online databases.

From 2021. Development of a platform to analyze the impact of economic policies on the local population (, project founded by a private foundation

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