Marlen Heide
Key publications (3)
Journal Article (7)
- Heide M., Villeneuve J. P. (2021) Framing National Security Secrecy: A Conceptual Review, International Journal:1-19
- Heide M. (2021) From Threat to Risk: Changing Rationales and Practices of Secrecy, Public Integrity:n.d.-n.d.
- Villeneuve J. P., Mugellini G., Heide M. (2021) Monitoring Sustainable Development Goals and the quest for high-quality corruption indicators, Sustainable Development:1-19
- Heide M., Villeneuve J. P. (2020) Changing Patterns of Information Governance, Government Information Quarterly, 37 (10):3-27
- Villeneuve J. P., Mugellini G., Heide M. (2019) International Anti-Corruption Initiatives: a Classification of Policy Interventions, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research:3-25
- Heide M., Worthy B. (2019) Secrecy and Leadership: The Case of Theresa May’s Brexit Negotiations, Public Integrity:X
- caron D. J., Villeneuve J. P., Heide M. (2016) Structuring the Transparency Deficits of ICT-enabled Production and Use of Governmental Information, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance:400-401
Book chapter (3)
- Villeneuve J. P., Heide M. (2021) Transparency. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs. Palgrave Macmillan, n.d.-n.d.
- Villeneuve J. P., Mugellini G., Heide M. (2020) A typology of anti-corruption interventions. Handbook on Corruption, Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration. Edward Elgar, 29-42
- Heide M. (2020) Corruption Perception Index. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs. Palgrave Macmillan, n.d.-n.d.