Benedetta Prario
Journal Article (14)
- Cola M., Prario B. (2013) The commercialization of television in Switzerland: a matter of neighbours, Comunicazioni Sociali, No. 1, pp. 122-132
- Cola M., Prario B. (2012) New ways of consumption: the audiences of public service media in Italy and Switzerland, Media, Culture and Society, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 181-194
- Balbi G., Prario B. (2010) The history of Fininvest/Mediaset's media strategy: 30 years of politics, the market, technology and Italian society, "Media, Culture and Society", 32 (3):391-409
- Prario B., Cola M. (2008) Le diete mediatiche degli svizzeri italiani nel contesto europeo, Observatorio (OBS*), Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 118-36
- BESIO C., Hungerbühler Savary R., Morici L., Prario B. (2008) The implementation of the quota requirements of the directive 'Television without Frontiers': the broadcasters' perspective, International Communication Gazette, 70, 2:175-191
- Prario B. (2007) Mobile Television in Italy: Value Chains and Business Models of Telecommunications Operators, Journal of Media Business Studies, 4 (1)
- Prario B., Balbi G. (2007) Ritorno al Futuro. Il passato e il presente della Mobile TV, "Observatorio (OBS) Journal", 2:103-122
- BESIO C., Hungerbühler Savary R., Morici L., Prario B. (2006) A multiplied perspective on the object of study: the example of multidisciplinary research in the domain of media regulation., Studies in Communication Sciences, 6, 2.
- BESIO C., Hungerbühler Savary R., Morici L., Prario B. (2005) Die Unverzichtbarkeit organisationstheoretischer Ansätze für die Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften, Medienwissenschaft Schweiz, 2, 33-41
- Pagani G., Prario B., Visentin F., Zorzi Boletis Y. (2005) The Key of Sucess, the Cause of Failure: A Comparative Analysis of Two UK Digital Television Companies, JJBS Research Reports No. 2005-2
- Prario B., Richeri G. (2003) (Full paper) Flussi e infrastrutture di comunicazione nel mediterraneo, in Studies in Communication Sciences, Università della Svizzera italiana
- Prario B. (2002) (Book review) Taisto Hujanen, The power of schedule, Tapere 2002, The international Journal on Media Management, volume 2
- Prario B. (2000) (Book review) Manuel Castels: The Internet Galaxy. Reflections on the Internet, Business and Society, Studies in Communication Sciences, Università della Svizzera italiana, vol. 1
- Prario B. (2000) (Report review) Italian Communications Authority, The White Book on Digital Terrestrial Television, Rome, 2000,, in Studies in Communication Sciences, Università della Svizzera italiana
Book (3)
- Cola M., Prario B., Richeri G. (2010) Media, tecnologie e vita quotidiana: la domestication. Roma: Carocci
- Cola M., Prario B. (2009) Dotazione e uso dei media. La Svizzera italiana nel contesto elvetico. Bern: Peter Lang
- Prario B. (2005) Le trasformazioni dell'impresa televisiva verso l'era digitale. Peter Lang
Book chapter (5)
- Colapinto C., Prario B., Richeri G. (2009) Telecommunication development in the EuroMediterranean area. in AA.VV., The Media as driver of Information Society, Lisbon, Formalpress
- Colapinto C., Prario B. (2009) The "network" in the Italian television industry. in I. Bernhard, The geography of innovation and entrepreneurship, University West (Sweden), pp: 307-319.
- Balbi G., Prario B. (2008) Back to the Future. The Past and the Present of Mobile TV. In Gerard Goggin, Larissa Hjort (eds.), Mobile Technologies. From Telecommunications to Media. London: Routledge
- Prario B. (2007) Mobile TV and IPTV: Two New Forms of Television in Media Literacy, Macedo, D. & Steinberg , S (eds.). Peter Lang
- Prario B., Richeri G. (2005) Integration Strategies of a Niche Communication Company: The Case of Gambero Rosso. JJBS Research Reports No. 2005-2
Working paper (2)
- Cola M., Colapinto C., Prario B., Richeri G. (2008) Il pubblico delle emittenti televisive e radiofoniche private in Ticino. Perchè la gente le guarda e le ascolta e perchè non le guarda e non le ascolta
- BESIO C., Hungerbühler Savary R., Morici L., Prario B. (2005) Zwischen guten Absichten und unerwarteten Nebenfolgen. Die Implementierung der Quotenregelung am Beispiel der europäischen Richtlinie 'Fernsehen ohne Grenzen'.
Conference proceedings (5)
- Prario B., Balbi G. (2008) Back to the Future. The Past and the Present of Mobile TV. In Karen Ross and Stuart Price (eds.), Popular Media and Communication: Essays on Publics, Practices and Processes. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Proceedings of MeCCSA Conference. Coventry. 10-12 January 2007
- Prario B. (2004) A multi-channel and multi-service television platform. The case of BSkyB. 6th World Media Economic Conference, Montréal
- Imberti Dosi A., Prario B. (2004) Digital television era: is content the king?
- Prario B., Richeri G. (2004) Gambero Rosso: a unique company?. Growth and Dynamics of Maturing New Companies, MMTC. Jönköping University, Stockolm
- Imberti Dosi A., Prario B. (2004) New Frontiers of T-Learning: the Emergence of Interactive Digital Broadcasting Learning Services in Europe
Report in scientific conference (9)
- Cola M., Prario B. (2010) New ways of consumption: the audiences of PSM in Italy and Switzerland. RIPE@2010 conference, University of Westminster, London, September
- Prario B., Richeri G. (2010) Product placement and broadcasters: a new strategic approach. EMMA Conference. London
- Colapinto C., Prario B., Richeri G. (2009) Digital Television and the Audience Fragmentation. European Media Management education association (EMMA)
- Balbi G., Prario B. (2008) Fininvest/Mediaset and the history of its media strategy. 30 years of politics, market, technology and society. ASMI Annual Conference, "The Media in Italy: Historical Perspectives and Future Challenges". Session 1.4: Broadcasting Policy. Edinburgh. 21-22 November
- Colapinto C., Prario B., Richeri G. (2008) Telecommunication flows in the Mediterranean region and the audiovisual prospective. 8th World Media Economics and Management Conference. Lisboa
- Prario B., Richeri G., Colapinto C. (2008) The Walt Disney's strategies to enter the Chinese Market: from localization to the Corporate Venture Capital. IAMCR. STOCKHOLM
- Cola M., Prario B., Richeri G. (2007) Traditional Audience and New Technologies. How new media are influencing people's media diet within the households. Transforming Audiences, University of Westminster. London. 6-7 September 2007
- BESIO C., Hungerbühler Savary R., Morici L., Prario B. (2005) Die Unverzichtbarkeit organisationstheoretischer Ansätze für die media studies. SGKM-Tagung: "Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft zwischen theoretischer Grundlegung und Anwendungsorientierung". Winterthur. 8. - 9. April 2005
- BESIO C., Hungerbühler Savary R., Morici L., Prario B. (2005) The necessity to approach organizations in media studies.. First European Communication Conference. „50 year of Communication research: past & future“. Amsterdam, 24. - 26. November 2005.