The reasons for Politeness. The Birth of Contemporary Politeness in the Behavioural Treatises of 19th Century Italy.
Saltamacchia F.
This project is setting out to research a key transformation within the history of politeness and good manners that takes place in the 19th century in Italy. During the 19th century, Italy is inundated by conduct manuals. There are at least 186 original editions, whereas in the previous century publications on good manners were very few and far between. Our purpose is to explain this stark numerical contrast as indicative of the birth of a new concept of politeness that emerged when the political turmoil of the previous century caused the decline of the aristocracy. Ancien Regime politeness is governed by the principle of 'discernment': it is based upon highly conventional formulae that are determined by the rank of the participants and by the ceremonial required by the context: politeness is a matter of following a set protocol and, above all, showing the correct amount of deference. We anticipate that, during the 19th Century, social conventions lose their imperative character. Although they survive in very specific contexts (diplomacy, e.g.), elsewhere a new social order emerges, in which the individual determines a polite way of behaving, by negotiating contextual expectancies, social and more local norms, alongside his personal goals. The project is testing this hypothesis for the 186 conduct manuals, published in 19th Century Italy. We will study the birth of contemporary politeness through three interdisciplinary research questions: 1) How is (im)politeness conceptualised in these prescriptive texts and with what type of argumentation is it justified both as a general concept and as a set of specific rules? 2) Do the dialogues in these treatises contain language forms that are being positively or negatively evaluated in metacomments? 3) What metaterms are used within metapragmatic evaluations ('affettuoso', 'gentile', 'freddo'...) and what arguments are used to justify these evaluative comments? We intend to examine, within the context of 19th century Italian conduct manuals, the intimate connections between the concepts of (im)politeness, linguistic forms of (im)politneness and evaluative language of (im)politeness. After gathering the corpus from libraries in Tessin and in the North of Italy, the texts will be scanned and digitalised. It will then be lexicalised with a concordancer that will allow the extraction of (im)polite concepts, forms and metaterms. The identification of (im)polite concepts, forms and metaterms will be executed partially through a manual annotation, in a multi-method approach. Importantly, we will only define a language form as polite or impolite as and when the text itself tells us a language form is polite or impolite: as we are working with historical materials, the 21st century researcher cannot anticipate what is polite or impolite unless he knows how politeness or impoliteness is defined and evaluated by the text itself. Situated at the crossroads of pragmatics of (im)politeness and historical pragmatics, the project follows a discursive, second wave approach, which we want to integrate with the dialectical and rhetorical dimensions of argumentation, in order to reconstruct, punctually, the historical 'reasons for politeness'.
Additional information
- Paternoster A. (2022) Fashion Etiquette and Fashion Ethics: Rules and Values in Italian Turn-of-the-Century Etiquette Books. The Routledge Companion to Fashion Studies. Routledge, 283-291
- Saltamacchia F., Rocci A., Garssen B., Godden D., Mitchell G., Wagemans J. H. M. . (2019) Arguments justify norms of politeness. A study of argumentative loci in a nineteenth-century treatise about politeness. Amsterdam Sic Sat. Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation
- Paternoster A. (2019) Politeness and evaluative adjectives in Italian turn-of-the-century etiquette books (1877-1914). Politeness in Nineteenth-Century Europe. john Benjamins, Amsterdam-Philadelphia, 107-144
- Paternoster A., Fitzmaurice S. (2019) Politeness in Nineteenth-Century Europe. John Benjamins, Amsterdam-Philadelphia
- Paternoster A., Fitzmaurice S. (2019) Politeness in Nineteenth-Century Europe, a research agenda. Politeness in Nineteenth-Century Europe. John Benjamins, Amsterdam-Philadelphia, 1-35
- Paternoster A., Saltamacchia F., saltini l. (2018) "Costumi soavi, dolci maniere". Galatei e manuali di etichetta nel Ticino dell'Ottocento. Biblioteca cantonale di Lugano, Lugano
- Paternoster A. (2018) Emotive rhetorical figures as indicators of controversial topics in Italian post-unification conduct books. Argage, Argumentation and Language. USI, Lugano. 7-9 febbraio 2018
- Paternoster A. (2018) Galatei morali e libri di etichetta. I trattati di comportamento della seconda parte dell'Ottocento.. "Costumi soavi, dolci maniere". Galatei e manuali di etichetta nel Ticino dell'Ottocento.. Bilioteca cantonale di Lugano, Lugano, 19-29
- Paternoster A. (2018) Il vestito forma la persona - "Clothes make the man": Fashion morality in Italian nineteenth-century conduct books., Studies in Communication Sciences:287-306
- Paternoster A. (2018) Istruzione, lavoro, voto. L’emancipazione femminile nella trattatistica comportamentale dall’unificazione al primo dopoguerra, The Italianist, 38, 3:334-351
- Paternoster A., Saltamacchia F. (2018) Le leggi della cortesia. Galateo ed etichetta di fine Ottocento: un'antologia. Interlinea, Novara
- Paternoster A. (2018) Le leggi della cortesia. Galateo ed etichetta di fine Ottocento: un’antologia. Interlinea, Novara
- Paternoster A. (2018) Le richieste nei galatei ottocenteschi: sulla resistenza della cortesia di Antico Regime. ASLI, Pragmatica storica dell'italiano. Modelli e usi comunicativi del passato. Catania. 29-31 ottobre 2018
- Paternoster A. (2018) Literary devices and author-reader dialogue in Italian conduct books of the long nineteenth century. LPRG, 11th International conference on im/politeness. Univerista di Valencia. 4-6 luglio 2108
- Paternoster A. (2018) Requests in Nineteenth-Century Italian Conduct Books: on the Resilience of Ancien Regime-Style Deference. Politeness Crossing Times and Spaces. Berlin, Frei Universitaet. 11-12 giugno 2018
- Paternoster A. (2016) Ascesa e «marcia indietro» della signorina in varie edizioni di Come devo comportarmi? di Anna Vertua Gentile. From Mothers to Citizens: Italian Women from Unification to the Republic. University of Cambridge. ottobre 2016
- Paternoster A. (2016) Politeness Formulae in 19th Century Italian Post-Unification Conduct Books (1860-1880). the HiSoN conference of Historical Sociolinguistics and Socio-Cultural Change. University of Helsinki. March 2016
- Paternoster A. (2016) Women on Books for Women: Recommended Reading in Turn of Century Etiquette Books. Capturing reading: the character of the woman reader in novels and paintings in nineteenth-century Italy. University of Leeds. 4 novembre 2016
- kadar d. Z., Paternoster A. (2015) Historicity in metapragmatics. A study on ‘discernment’ in Italian metadiscourse, Pragmatics, 52 (3):369-391
- Paternoster A., Saltamacchia F. (2015) Metaterms and conventionalisation in a 19th c. Italian conduct manual, La gente per bene (1877) by La Marchesa Colombi.. 14th international pragmatics conference. Antwerp, Belgium. 26-31 luglio 2015