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Architecture as Sense of Space. Architecture as Sense Making


Albrigo S.

Course director

Beeli M.

Course director

Carella S.

Course director

Furlan G.

Course director

Ghiringhelli N.

Course director

Grillo R.

Course director

Ionel A.

Course director

Olgiati V.

Course director

Ribeiro da Silva P.

Course director

Sulaj L.

Course director

Falk W. P. S.



Architecture is the creation of human space. In learning architecture, one does not only learn how to read and respond to one’s context but how to exercise a discipline in its own right. In creating human space, the architect gives rise to a sense of space and a sense for its occu-pant. A sense-making building is not supposed to be referential or particular but should pos-sess a general validity. The first year course introduces the students to the basic foundation of architecture, the ar-chitectural space itself. Students have to develop thoughts and ideas around a given subject and materialize them into a project. The proposed subjects are a holiday house in the first semester and an architecture office in the second semester. Projects have to be developed out of an idea. The formulation of the idea sets the premises for the experience of space.


The aim of the course is to initiate students into the fundamental experience of space, to derive meaning from it, to transmit it and to show it in the design activity through drawings and models. The teaching experience is therefore articulated in meaningful exercises of pure architecture. The first-year design workshop (BSc1) is a large laboratory where preparatory activities for architectural practice are carried out by individual groups within an overall scheme. Under the cultural guidance and supervision of arch. Valerio Olgiati, the two semesters see 10 ateliers led by 10 young architects and teachers at work.

Teaching mode

In presence

Learning methods

Design Studio

Examination information

Final Critics
