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New Media for Tourism Communication


Cantoni L.

Course director

Sabatini N.

Course director

De Ascaniis S.


Garbani-Nerini E.



When it comes to different levels of knowledge, the above mentioned competences entail that students will be able to

(i) know current eTourism applications, technologies and successful practices;

(ii) know how to plan, run and evaluate eTourism related activities;

(iii) be aware of the crucial role played by ICT within the tourism and hospitality sectors.

The course is organized in formal (ex-cathedra) lessons complemented by case studies and testimonials. The assessment will be undertaken in a form of collaborative group projects and a written exam.


Reading materials:

De Ascaniis, S., Borrè, A., Marchiori, E., Cantoni, L. (2015). Listen to your customers. How hotels manage online travel reviews: the case of hotels in Lugano. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015 (Proceedings of the International Conference in Lugano, Switzerland, February 3-6), Springer, Berlin – Heidelberg, pp. 59-72.


Garbani-Nerini, E., Kalbaska, N., & Cantoni, L. (2018). Evaluating the development and impact of an eLearning platform: the case of the Switzerland Travel Academy. In Stangl, B., Pesonen, J. (Eds.). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism.Wien-New York: Springer, 450-462


Inversini, A., Cantoni L. & Brülhart, C. (2012). analysis of online communication and promotion, Journal of information technology & tourism, 13/1, pp. 39-49


Inversini, A., Xiang, Z., & Fesenmaier, D.R. (2015). New media in travel and tourism communication: Toward a new paradigm. In L. Cantoni & J.A. Danowski (Eds.), Communication and Technology (2015, pp. 497-512). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. DOI (Chapter): 10.1515/9783110271355-029.


Kalbaska N., Janowski T., Estevez E., Cantoni L. (2017) When digital government matters for tourism: a stakeholder analysis, Journal of information technology & tourism, 17(3), 315-333.


Marchiori, E. & Cantoni, L. (2012). The Online Reputation Construct: Does it Matter for the Tourism Domain? A Literature Review on Destinations’ Online Reputation, Journal of information technology & tourism, 13/3, pp. 139-159.


Mele, E., & Cantoni, L. (2017). Localization of Tourism Destinations' Websites: Theory and Practices. In M. Bielenia-Grajewska, & M. Cortés de los Ríos, Innovative Perspectives on Tourism Discourse. Gdansk: IGI Global.


Picco Schwendener A., Reinhold H. J., Cantoni L. (2017) Usage Practices and User Types of a Municipal Wi-Fi Network: The Case of “WiFi Lugano”. ACM Press. Best Research Paper Award at ICEGOV2017, March 07 - 09, 2017, New Delhi, India, 292-301