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Tourism Service Management


Laesser C.

Course director


The course „Tourism Service Management“ tries to combine content and methodological goals:

From the content side the course aims at creating a sensitivity for the specific conditions and requirements of service activities. This includes special trends in service demand and on the supply side. In addition, the students should be able to apply specific methods and models for strategies and operations for service activities. Special attention is given to the structure and content of business models in the service sector.

On the methodological side, the course focuses on qualitative methods especially in the field of case study research.

The course/ each class respectively consists of an introductory, theoretical part and an applied part:

  • The lecture part consists of a number of teaching lessons.
  • The applied part consists of a case study on a self-selected service-encounter, carried out by the students, commented and discussed by the lecturer and students in class on the last day of the course.

The grading will be based on a

  • group paper consisting of a case study on a self-selected service-encounter (4 per group) by means of participatory observation and its presentation in class (50%);
  • 60’ written exam, closed book (50%) at the end of the course/ semester.

The course relates to several case studies that will be presented in class and the book of:

Fitzsimmons, J. & Fitzsimmons, M. (2014): Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology. 8th edition. McGraw-Hill/Irwin (selected chapters).