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International Tourism Marketing


Gibbert M.

Course director


Students in this course will learn the fundamentals underlying, as well as the application of, the integrated tourism marketing mix. The fundamental elements are price, place, promotion, and product/service. Each of these elements requires not just attention individually, but also as a coherent whole, so as to develop a marketing mix for tourism where each element is carefully aligned with all other elements. The application of the tourism marketing mix is put in high relief in this course: in each session, we look into concrete case studies of tourism problems and solutions. The final part of the course involves the preparation and subsequent presentation of a concrete tourism marketing plan.

Your grade in Tourism Marketing depends on how you perform both as an (1) individual, and as a (2) team member. To pass the course, both parts need to have a pass-rate of at least six out of ten.

  • The individual performance evaluation will be achieved through a final, written, exam (60%), and class participation (10%). Class participation points can be gained primarily through regularly attending class, preparing the readings, and case studies and answering questions in class.
  • The performance as a team member will be assessed through your presentations (30%) of the case study analyses, and the tourism marketing plan. The presentation is made on a competitive basis. That is, two teams get the same assignment, and work independently for the better mark. They are not allowed to see the competitor’s work either before or during presentation. Instead, the remaining students in class act as key account managers (company representatives), and decide which solution should be implemented. The assignment is the written report of which solution should be implemented and why.

A book that will serve as a reference for the course is:
Kotler, Bowen and Makens. (2006) Marketing for hospitality and tourism, Pearson International Edition (4th Edition) – ISBN 0-13-201773-3.