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Sustainable Tourism Colloquium


Maggi R.

Course director



The aim of this course is to identify sustainable tourism products for Ticino. The work will proceed in two steps:

  1. In a first moment students will be working in six groups, two per theme (ecology (green), society (blue), economy (red)) to collect autonomously from academic literature an general media evidence on the bricks that can be used to build the green, blue or red parts of a sustainable tourism product.
  2. In a second moment, the students will form new teams, where every team is composed of green, blue and red members. These teams will develop and propose a common sustainable tourism product in an open ideas competition.

Between the two phases, there will be guest lectures, which will offer expertise and opportunity for interaction, discussion and feedback with the invited speakers.



Group work will contribute 60% and the written exam during the exam session 40% of the final grades.