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Managerial Economics II


Fumagalli C.

Course director



The purpose of the Course of Managerial Economics II is to provide students with the conceptual framework and the economic tools to understand how and why market regulation, in particular competition law and policy, shapes managerial choices. At the end of the course students will have the ability to understand which conducts may challenge anti-trust intervention and will be able to interpret real-world competition policy cases.


The Course will cover the following topics:

  1. What is Competition Policy? An introduction.

    History, law, and objectives of competition policy b. Market power and welfare.

  2. Horizontal agreements, collusion and enforcement of cartel laws.
  3. Horizontal mergers.
  4. Abuse of dominance and exclusionary practices.
  5. Vertical agreements.

For each topic, the Course will discuss the major contributions provided by economic theory and some recent prominent anti-trust cases. The material we are going to deal with makes use of elementary game theory and simple oligopoly models.



A final exam will assess whether the students’ understanding of the topics discussed in class and, in particular, their ability to give an interpretation and a critical judgement to real-world cases. The final exam will consist of open questions, exercises and stylised cases to discuss.




  • Competition Policy. Theory and Practice. Massimo Motta. Cambridge University Press. 2004.
  • Exclusionary Practices. The Economics of Monopolisation and Abuse of Dominance. Chiara Fumagalli, Massimo Motta and Claudio Calcagno. Cambridge University Press. 2018.

Additional references to specific articles will be provided during the course.
