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Introductory Corporate Governance


Nowak E.

Course director


Upon completion of this module, students will know and understand the key issues and players involved in corporate governance. Students will also gain an appreciation of how corporate governance issues are complicated. Finally, students will also be exposed to the latest global issues with regard to corporate governance. 

Description / Program
When the internet bubble burst and when numerous accounting scandals (e.g., WorldCom, Enron, Parmalat, etc.) came to light, the markets crashed and countries around the world issued new or revised corporate governance codes, including the U.S. (e.g., Sarbanes-Oxley Act). This module deals with one of the most important financial issues of our times: corporate governance.

Learning Method / Style of Lessons
Lectures, practitioner presentations, classroom discussions
Compliant with COVID-19 guidelines.

Exam Style

Comprehensive final exam and classroom participation.

Exam mode conditionel to COVID-19 situation.

K. Kim, J. Nofsinger, E. Nowak, Corporate Governance, 4th edition, World Scientific
Academic journal articles and cases distributed in class.
