Research Policy and Grant Proposal Writing
Course director
see attachment.
The aim of the course is to introduce PhD students to the research policy and funding landscape in a comparative perspective, in order to provide them with the information and competences needed for academic careers, particularly for what concern the acquisition of funding.
More specifically, the course will deal with the following topics:
- Introducing PhD students to the socio-political and economic dynamics behind the allocation of public funds for research, to allow them understanding the rationale behind funding allocation and to cope with changes in the funding landscape.
- Presenting the research funding landscape in terms of types of allocation mode (project vs. institutional), allocation mechanism (grants vs. formula vs. negotiation) and understanding their implications for funding acquisition.
- Focusing on the main types of project funds available and their allocation procedures and criteria. The issue of supporting academic careers through specific grant scheme will receive due attention.
- Understanding grant proposal writing as a communicative and argumentative process and learning how to manage this process in the most effective way to acquire funds.
Teaching mode
In presence
Learning methods
face-to-face lectures; readings presented by participants; group work on case studies.
Examination information
Based on presentations and group work.
- Benedetto, Lepori, Jongbloed, Ben, Hicks, Diana. Handbook of Public Research Funding. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2023.
- PhD programme in Communication Sciences, Lecture, Elective, 1st year