Massimo Morini
Massimo is head of Rates and Credit Modelling, and Coordinator of Model Research, at Banca IMI, the investment bank of Intesa ISP, the largest Italian bank. He has been a consultant to the World Bank and several other institutions, and is a member of scientific boards including Numerix in NYC. He is professor at Bocconi University and has been Msc director at Polytechnic and research fellow at Cass Business school of London City University. He holds a PhD in Mathematics. He published several quantitative papers and seminal finance books on model risk management, credit risk and collateral (,,
He started research on Blockchain in 2013 and wrote the first article proposing blockchain and smart contracts as a solution for modernizing financial markets. He was board member for the R3 banks’ consortium where he headed the Valuation, Collateral & Risk Management working group. He developed smart contracts for collateralized derivatives with trusted computation on Ethereum. He is a member of the scientific committee for Blockchain Lab, swiss based consortium of Bitcoin developers. He is a frequent speaker at main events such as SIBOS and London Tech, and has been a consultant to companies and regulators. His work on blockchain application has appeared on Risk Magazine, Coindesk, Harward Business Review, Bitcoin Magazine and other journals in both financial and blockchain world. One of his papers has been quoted by CFTC at US Senate (,,