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Adine Gavazzi


Swiss architect from the Politecnico of Milan, specialized in Anthropology of the Andes and the Amazon, she studies forest cultures, healing landscapes and pre-colonial and indigenous ceremonial architecture. She worked throughout the regions of the Neotropics and in the World Heritage sites of Nasca, Cusco, Machupicchu, Tiahuanaco and Río Abiseo. Her field technomorphology defined a disciplinary theoretical basis for the analysis of Tangible and Intangible Heritage in three continents.

She is a founding member of the UNESCO Chair of the University of Genoa in  Anthropology of Health and  professor at the Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruíz Gallo of Lambayeque, the Universidad Nacional Intercultural de Amazonia in Pucallpa and the Universidad Nacional Intercultural of Quillabamba. She is a collaborator of the UNESCO Chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites.

In 2017 she is director of the cultural component of the scientific expedition in the Parque Nacional del Rio Abiseo.

Since 2019 she is codirector of the Fiesta del Agua- Far Ich Lap in Lambayeque.


The field of research is defined  in a transdisciplinary area  between the analysis of territorial systems,  anthropology of health and  conservation of World Heritage

Areas of expertise

Ceremonial Architecture

Anthropology of the Andes and the Amazon


Forest cultures

Landscapes of healing

Sacred mountains

Mixed World Heritage


