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Marco Maggi


Marco Maggi is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory and Director of the Master in Italian Language, Literature and Civilization.

Born in 1973 in Casale Monferrato he is a philosophy  graduate from the Catholic University of Milan (1997) where he also obtained a PhD in Linguistics, Philology and Literature, part of his research taking place in the University of Geneva. Post-doctoral fellowships allowed him to spend two years in the Istituto per gli studi filosofici (Naples) and one year in the Institut d´Études littéraires of the Collège de France (Paris). He holds the Italian national scientific qualification as associate professor in Italian literature (10 / F1) and in literary criticism and comparative literature (10 / F4).

His research focuses on the relationship between literature and visual studies, on Italian literature in comparative perspective and on reading.

At the crossroads between literature and visual studies are the monographs Modernità visuale nei "Promessi Sposi". Romanzo e fantasmagoria da Manzoni a Bellocchio (Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2019) and Walter Benjamin e Dante. Una costellazione nello spazio delle immagini (Roma, Donzelli, 2017). He edited a collection of texts about the myth of Aurora in the 17th c. (Aurore barocche. Concerto di arti sorelle, Torino, Aragno, 2006) and an unpublished text Vocabulario italiano (Firenze, Olschki, 2008) by Emanuele Tesauro, an author to whom he dedicated numerous studies. An edition of prose by Guido Gozzano is in preparation. In visual studies he edited classics of literature about interart comparison : Rensselaer W. Lee, Ut pictura poesis (Milano, SE, 2011); Mario Praz, Studi sul concettismo (Milano, Abscondita, 2014).

He is a member of Iawis/Aierti International Association for Word and Image Studies) and of ASLGC (Swiss Association for general and comparative Literature); he is the curator of the papers of germanist and comparatist Lea Ritter Santini at Fondazione centro studi storico-letterari Natalino Sapegno and a member of the scientific board of Arabeschi. Rivista di studi su letteratura e visualità.

With ISI and the Radio svizzera italiana he organized the “radiophonic lectures” Classici italiani. Da Francesco d'Assisi a Italo Calvino. He writes regularly for L'Indice dei Libri del Mese.

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