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Sara Massafra


Sara Massafra is a Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher at the College of Liberal Arts of the University of Massachusetts Boston, founded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Postdoc.Mobility - SNSF). In addition, she is affiliated with the Istituto di studi italiani at the Università della Svizzera italiana, where she obtained her PhD in Italian Literature and Language in 2023 with a thesis on Andrea Zanzotto's poetry and ecocriticism.  During her PhD she was a Visiting doctoral researcher at the Royal Holloway University of London (Doc.Mobility - SNSF) for 18 months. Her research interests focus on contemporary Italian literature in relation to philosophy of science and semiotics, considering the theoretical framework of the Environmental Humanities as an epistemological model. She has published on Italo Calvino and Carlo Emilio Gadda in relation to the philosophy of G. W. Leibniz, the Oulipo movement, Concrete Poetry and Robopoetics. She is currently working on a project on Gianni Celati and ecosemiotics, entitled Appearances of the uninhabited planet: an ecosemiotic approach to the re-semanticised landscape of Gianni Celati.