Vittorio Limongelli
In progress (3)
- Limongelli V. (2024) Learning the activation mechanism in G protein coupled receptors from free energy calculations
- Limongelli V. (2024) Understanding the function of G-Protein Coupled Receptors by atomistic and multiscale studies
- Limongelli V. (2021) CoMMBi - Computational Microscope on Molecular Binding: from atom to cell membrane scale
Completed (4)
- Limongelli V. (2022) Understanding function of G-Protein Coupled Receptors by atomistic and multiscale simulation
- Limongelli V. (2020) REDAC - REpositioning Drugs Against COVID-19
- Limongelli V. (2016) Extensive computer simulations investigate TPP1-TERT protein-protein interaction
- Limongelli V. (2016) MuTaLig - Multi-target paradigm for innovative ligand identification in the drug discovery process