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Soheil Roshankish


Soheil is a Ph.D. student at the Institute of Digital Technology for Communication (ITDxC). Currently, he is working on the project " A Framework for Automatic Monitoring of Norms and Agreements Concerning Digital Assets in the Web of Data " supervised by Prof. Lorenzo CantoniProf. Marco Colombetti  and  Dr. Nicoletta Fornara

He holds a master of science in Computer Science from the University of Bern (specialized in Information Systems and Decision Support). He did his master thesis entitled "Statistical Type Inference" at the  eXascale Infolab  at the Univesity of Friborg, Switzerland. The results of his research studies have been published in the paper " StaTIX - Statistical Type Inference on Linked Data " in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). 

His research interests include Semantic Web Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Multiagent Systems,  Normative Systems, Policies for regulating the access and use of digital assets.