Climate Cities
This symposium organised by the Institute of Urban and Landscape Studies aims to reflect on the strategies adopted by different cities in responding to the challenges of climate change. Indeed, contemporary times are characterised by the convergence of two important phenomena: an increasing significance of urbanisation - with the associated dynamics of continuous construction and transformation of the territory and built environment - and the advent of an increasingly radical climate change on a planetary scale. This dual reality poses a series of challenges and requires communities to evolve and modify their way of living and dwelling.
Cities, with their dynamics and complexity, are the environment in which more than half the world's population is living. For this reason, they represent one of the focal points where problems and the search for solutions to, for example, rising temperatures are concentrated.
For architectural, urban planning and landscape reflection, understanding how different cities are organising themselves to collect and process climate data, reflect and design solutions and develop strategies to adapt to climate change is therefore crucial.