10th TAD - Transatlantic Dialogue “From Public Administration to XXI Century Collaborative Administration - The role of public networks”
Cristofoli D.
Macció L.
Markovic J.
The Transatlantic Dialogue (TAD) is a yearly conference jointly organized by EGPA (The European Group for Public Administration) and ASPA (American Society for Public Administration). Its aim is to strengthen the cooperation between European and American scholars, by supporting them in sharing their ideas and experiences, and to favor the formulation of new approaches and solutions for the public sector. An exchange of global and transatlantic topics is promoted throughout workshops, roundtables and plenary sessions. Since its first edition in 2005, TAD conference has created the perfect environment for a community of people who believe that the future quality of public sector needs a continuous investment in fundamental, empirical and comparative research. The goal of next year conference is to continue with this tradition and investigate the importance of collaborative forms in the public sector.
In 2014, the 10th TAD took place at Università della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano. The conference was chaired from Europe by Prof. Marco Meneguzzo and Prof. Daniela Cristofoli (USI) and from America by Prof. Norma Riccucci (Rutgers-Newark School of Public Affairs and Administration).