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Master in Storia e teoria dell’arte e dell’architettura (120 ECTS) (MSTAA120)


The Master in History and Theory of Art and Architecture (MSTAA) includes both the study of the history of architecture and art history. It is a complete Master with the aim of reversing the growing marginalisation of architecture art history studies. In fact, the Master aims to bring architecture at the heart of the critical debate in universities and society as a whole.

At the same time, the study of architecture and art history in various times in history (the middle ages, the modern age and the contemporary age) is complemented by in-depth studies on the theory and criticism of architecture, artistic literature, the history and practice of restoration (with moments of activity in the field), museology and digital humanities with an eye towards other artistic and cultural expressions (photography, cinema, theatre, literature).

The context offered by the Faculty of Architecture is congenial for the study of art history and especially for the history of architecture. Students of the Master in History and Theory of Art and Architecture will study together with future architects, attend projects critiques and most of all, they can take advantage of a direct exchange with world-renowned architects during dedicated conferences. Last but not least, it is important to know that the USI Academy of Architecture has a strong vocation and an important tradition in the field of humanities. The study plan of the Master also contemplates practical work such as internships or workshops in archives or other institutions, as well as study trips during individual courses to observe buildings and gain experience on the field.