Costanza Naguib
Journal Article (2)
- Naguib C., Baruffini M., Maggi R. (2019) Do wages and job satisfaction really depend on educational mismatch? Evidence from an international sample of Master graduates, Education + Training, 61 (2):201-221
- Naguib C. (2017) The Relationship between Inequality and Growth: Evidence from New Data, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics:183-225
Working paper (4)
- Naguib C., Baruffini M., Maggi R. (2017) Identifying the impact of mismatch on job satisfaction using an instrumental variable approach
- Naguib C., Maggi R. (2017) Rank matters: an analysis of relative wage mobility as a neglected determinant of job satisfaction
- Naguib C. (2017) Wage mobility in Europe before and after the financial crisis: an empirical analysis for Germany and the United Kingdom
- Naguib C., Gagliardini P. (2016) Wage Mobility: a Functional Copula Approach